USP provides answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) for anyone seeking information regarding USP Verification.


Who is USP?

For over 200 years, United States Pharmacopeia (USP) has protected public health by developing quality standards and related programs for medicines, dietary supplements, and foods. As an independent, scientific, nonprofit organization, an important part of what USP does is verify the quality of dietary supplement products. USP does not manufacture or sell vitamins or other dietary supplements. Learn more about USP’s Dietary Supplement Verification Program here.

What are USP Verified dietary supplements?

The distinctive USP Verified Mark is awarded by USP to dietary supplement products that successfully meet rigorous requirements for quality. The USP Verified Mark on a dietary supplement label means the product:

  • Contains the ingredients listed on the label in the declared strength and amounts 
    Tests have shown that contents of some supplements do not match the label, and some contain significantly less or more than the claimed amount of key ingredients. USP’s Dietary Supplement Verification Program helps assure customers that they are getting the ingredients they expect in the amounts indicated on the product label.
  • Does not contain harmful levels of specified contaminants, such as heavy metals and pesticides 
    USP Verification helps ensure that supplements do not contain harmful levels of certain heavy metals (e.g., lead and mercury), microbes, pesticides, or other contaminants which, at specific levels, can pose serious risks to one's health.
  • Complies with FDA Good Manufacturing Practices, using sanitary and well-controlled processes 
    Assurance of safe, sanitary, well-controlled, and well-documented manufacturing and monitoring processes indicates that a supplement manufacturer is quality-conscious, and that the supplement is manufactured with consistent quality from batch to batch.
  • Will break down and dissolve within a specified amount of time so the dietary ingredients can be released and absorbed by the body
    If a supplement does not break down properly to allow its ingredients to be available for absorption in the body, the consumer will not get the full benefit of its contents. USP’s Dietary Supplement Verification Program tests products against performance standards.

Upon meeting the requirements of USP’s Dietary Supplement Verification Program, a manufacturer's product is awarded the use of the USP Verified Mark.

How do I know if a dietary supplement product is USP Verified?

Check for the USP Verified Mark on a product label. It is the quickest way to confirm if a vitamin or other dietary supplement is USP Verified. Additionally, you can view a list of USP Verified products here.


Please note: If you find a product with a USP Verified Mark that appears damaged, counterfeit, or has an illegible label, please contact the product’s manufacturer directly regarding any questions or comments.

Where can I find USP Verified Products?

USP Verified products can be found at major retailers, grocery stores, pharmacies, and wholesale retailers across the U.S. (United States), as well as online through product websites. A full list of USP Verified products can be found here.

Does USP verify “Gluten Free,” “Halal,” “Kosher,” “Natural” and “Organic” claims on the label?

USP verifies and tests for the presence of gluten in products to confirm the “Gluten Free” claim on the label. USP does not certify the “Halal,” “Kosher,” “Natural,” or “Organic” claims on the label.

Does USP verify homeopathic products?

USP does not verify homeopathic products. USP’s Verification Program includes dietary supplements, dietary ingredients, active pharmaceutical ingredients, and excipients. The verification process involves rigorous testing and auditing to ensure the products meet high-quality standards. We encourage you to check USP’s website to learn more about USP’s Verification Program.

What are the steps in the USP Verification process?

The verification process starts with an inspection of manufacturing facilities. The next step is a review of documentation to ensure quality ingredients are sourced, the manufacturing process complies with US FDA cGMP rules, and validated methods are used for testing products. For example, USP determines whether the tests can detect and measure harmful contaminants like heavy metals, pesticides, and microbes. The final step is testing the products using appropriate scientifically validated methods.

How can I get my supplement USP Verified?

To learn more about USP's Dietary Supplement Verification Program, please click here or contact USPVerified@usp.org.